Renewals Process

The renewals process for the Schmidt AI in Science Fellowship is stated below. This is for Fellows awarded a one-year Fellowship who would like to extend their Fellowship for an extra year. Note: for the 2025 cohort onwards, Fellowships are automatically two years in length, and so this renewal process does not apply.

Renewals policy

  • Six months into your fellowship, a progress report will be due for submission to the Programme Manager 

  • Fellows will be asked to report on the progress of their research and training programmes and to detail their plans for a second year of the fellowship. Fellows should include a discussion of how the use of AI/ML techniques has enhanced their research and any planned research outputs

  • Short statements should be included from both the Fellow’s Supervisor and their AI mentor, describing the Fellow’s research progress and training (maximum one page for each)

  • The reports will be assessed by the Oxford Schmidt leadership team and recommendations made to the Academic Steering Committee. Fellows will be informed as soon as possible about the outcome after the committee has met

Assessment criteria

  • Research progress including how AI/ML has impacted and augmented their research
  • Degree of engagement with the technical and professional development programme
  • The research proposal for the second year of funding