How to apply

In the third round, funding is available to support up to 9 two-year fellowships starting from April 2025.


You will need to meet the following criteria:  

  • Have completed (or be due to have completed by the date of appointment) a DPhil/PhD in an area of mathematical, physical or life sciences.  
  • Have a promising research idea and enough general understanding of AI ideas and techniques to understand how these could lead to major improvements and expansions of your research, as well as potential ethical implications.  Fellows will be supported to develop their AI knowledge during the fellowship.  
  • Have the support of an Oxford faculty member (a "PI") within an MPLS department willing to host you in their lab for the duration of fellowship.    
  • Ideally, you will also have identified an AI/ML academic mentor who will be a faculty member in an eligible Oxford Department with appropriate research expertise in the application of AI/ML techniques in your area of STEM research. This mentor should be a faculty member/ senior researcher (e.g. a senior postdoctoral researcher/ independent fellow).
Start date

It is our intention that the Postdoctoral Research Fellowships will start from 28 April 2025 – 2 June 2025, and though there is some flexibility with the start date, we expect fellows to be in Oxford and to engage with the training programme in June 2025.

Eligible costs
  • Salary of the Fellow. Fellows are expected to be appointed on the University of Oxford Grade 7 salary scale. For more information please visit University of Oxford Salary Scales. If you are planning to apply for a salary regrade, please include this in the salary request.
  • Consumables and small items of equipment (less than £10k to cover the whole Fellowship period)  
  • Computing equipment (including up to £2k for a laptop and peripherals)  
  • Travel (up to £2k per year)
  • Visa and NHS Surcharge

Please note, Schmidt Fellows have priority access to the Advanced Research Computing service, which provides access to High Performance Computing resources. 

The fellowship pays 100% direct costs plus 10% overhead to the host department.

What to include in your application

As part of the application, you must share a completed application form which amongst other requirements includes the following sections:

  • Research proposal setting out the research project you wish to pursue, including how your existing or proposed ideas and techniques might find application within one or more areas of the mathematical, physical or life sciences, and why this use of AI/ML will result in novel insights and impact.  The proposal should also include a statement explaining why your existing research and future career plan makes you a good fit for the Schmidt programme (2,000 words, included on the form).  
  • Training plan providing an overview of any AI-related skills you will need to acquire or further develop in order for you to succeed in your planned research. A deep expertise of AI techniques is not required; however, you will need a basic understanding. A tailored AI and software development training programme will be developed to support you, and is a key element of the scheme (400 words, included on the form) .
  • Letter of support from an Oxford faculty member based in an MPLS department, detailing the importance of the research and including confirmation from the Department that they are willing to host you if successful.
  • A (brief) statement of support from the AI/ML mentor. Please note that the role of the AI/ML mentor is as a guide/ collaborator.
  • CV including your academic publications (which will be assessed in line with the DORA agreement, to which the University is a signatory), (max. 3 pages in total, Arial 11pt font, 2cm margins). 
Assessment criteria

The review panel will use the following criteria in their assessment of applications:

  • Fit to call: the primary criterion will be that the underpinning applied science is internationally leading, with the application of AI/ML techniques appropriate and likely to lead to a step-change in the application domain.
  • Appropriate level of understanding of how AI techniques might be applied in order to progress the research area.
  • Clear demonstration of how the training component of the scheme will benefit the applicant, their research, and their career.
  • Quality of the applicant: strong track record appropriate to the career stage of the applicant.
Departmental procedures


Note: this section is being updated with 2024 deadlines.



Biology will be running an internal sift with an internal deadline of 10th September 2024. Interested applicants should email to notify us of their intention to apply and to receive further information on the application process.


Chemistry will be running an internal sift with an internal deadline of 17th September 2024; please could enquiries be sent to: 

Computer Science


Earth Sciences


Engineering Science

Engineering Science is running an internal departmental competition first, to select those who will be invited to apply on IRAMS. Please email as soon as possible and by 10th September 2024 at the latest to notify us of your intention to apply and so we can explain the departmental competition process to you, including what documents you will need to submit. The deadline to apply to the internal departmental competition is 24th September 2024.






Physics expects more than 12 interested applicants for this round and so will be carrying out an internal selection via an EOI (expression of interest). The internal deadline is TBC and will be updated here when known. Further information can be found on the Physics webpage and interested applicants can email to register their interest to be notified of the internal selection deadline and process.




How to submit an application

Please ensure you consult with the departmental Research Facilitators before starting your application on IRAMS. Please note that some departments may have set an earlier internal deadline, so please check with your local research support team and prepare your application well in advance of the date advertised above.  Applications must be reviewed online by departmental approvers and, where approved, submitted for review before the deadline.  Further information on departmental procedures is included in the tab above.

Applications are made through the University’s Internal Research Award Management System:  Once you are logged in, please choose the correct scheme from the list to start your application. If required, IRAMS guidance in the form of quick reference guide (QRG) documents for applicants, departmental approvers and administrators can be found on Research Support pages.

For applicants external to the University of Oxford, the individual department’s research support team will assist with uploading your application to IRAMS. The information you will need to complete is in the application form linked on this page.

Applications open on 1st August 2024.    

All applications must be received by 12:00 noon on 22 October 2024. 

Your application will be reviewed by a multidisciplinary panel of academic researchers, and decisions will be based solely on how you demonstrate that you meet the selection criteria stated above.  Short listed candidates will be interviewed as part of this process.


The interviews will be held in early December, dates tbc.  Please note that the panel decisions are final.

Further information

Further information on the fellowship application process is available from the Programme Manager Tanya Gujral  

To discuss research programmes, please contact the relevant academic or research group in one of the MPLS departments.  

Equality and diversity

The panel wishes to recruit a diverse cohort of fellows with a wide range of backgrounds, and the division is committed to supporting an inclusive and supportive culture. You can view University policies, including those on equality, diversity, and inclusion and similar policies from Reuben College.  

The University of Oxford is committed to fostering an inclusive research culture which promotes equality, values diversity and maintains a working, learning and social environment in which the rights and dignity of all its staff and students are respected.